Wednesday, October 16, 2013

~ A note with love from Amy ~

Dear Friends,

Oh, how the Lord loves you and holds your lives and hearts in His hands!  I am thinking of you, love you, and am so excited about God's work in your hearts!  The Lord has been doing so much - in all of our lives!

Thank you for your understanding in my absence from writing on the blog in the time of preparation for, time in, and recovery from ministry in Romania!  The Lord did amazing things by His power and we are standing in awe of Him!

Since the return from Romania, my health has been struggling, my energy is limited, and I am needy of rest and recovery.  We can see improvement especially in the last week, and at the same time, it sounds and looks like it will be a season of time before I am back to full strength.   

Jesus is meeting with me in sweet ways and working in my heart in this time, my heart is blessed, and I know His plan is perfect.  This time of being forced to pull back is being used by Jesus in so many ways!  I am so thankful He allows just what He knows we need to keep us close to His heart, relying on Him to work in us, and to accomplish His purposes through us!  I am so grateful to know that I am in His hands - He knows best and there is no where else I'd rather be. 

In this season ~ thank you for your understanding at my limited communication, I am grateful for all of you who are praying, you are loved, and please know that I am grateful to know that you are kept by the One who never grows weary
- Jesus.

These Truths never change and are precious rocks of rest:
~ He is always faithful
~ He never leaves us
~ He loves us with a love that compares to nothing else and fully satisfies
~ His plans and purposes are perfect
~ He is working mightily in your life and will be faithful to complete that work
~ and you can fully bank your life on His Word to you in the Bible!

I treasure the verse: " is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure." (Phil. 2:13)  I am so excited about what He is working in you right where He has you for those purposes! 

Know that I am praying for you!  Keep clinging to Jesus, seeking Him as your #1 priority, relaying on Him for His life through you, letting Him work in you and allowing Him to work through you!

There is nothing like knowing Jesus and this life in Him,

P.S. We are so excited about having you join us in the coming weeks for the final video sessions (and related blog posts) of the "Beautiful to God" Online Conference!


  1. Amy, your trust and rest in the Lord through this time is inspiring! Thank you for reminding us of His truth! God is amazing! May God bless you as you so faithfully and lovingly serve and follow Him!
    Love, Christina

    1. Dear Christina, Your comment was a blessing. Our Lord is so faithful and I am so grateful that we can rest in the reality of Who He is! I agree, He is truly amazing! There is nothing like this journey with Him! I am glad we can be on it together! He is so faithful!
      In His love,

  2. Thank you Amy for encouraging us to pursue our walk with Jesus! You speak the truth when you say that the Lord is good and loving, and that He is here with us! I will keep seeking God with my whole heart, for it is those kinds of articles that lifts up my soul!

    May He keep you in His comforting hand!

    1. Dear Noemie, Thank you for your sweet comment! Our Lord is so good and loving - and I am so grateful that He is always with us! I am so glad to follow Him together. May He bless you as you continue to seek Him with all of your heart, by His grace! Nothing compares to knowing Him.
      With love in Jesus,
