Friday, May 7, 2010

2010 Summer Devotions Challenge

It is with great excitement that we invite all girls and young women to take part in the 2010 Summer Devotions Challenge! We know that the Lord has awesome things in store!

Summer is a wonderful time of year. We enjoy beautiful weather, a more relaxed schedule, lots of fun activities, etc. Yet, with all of the busyness of running from one thing to the next, irregular schedules, etc. we can sometimes become distracted from what is really important, get disillusioned, and feel discouraged. We can so often come to the end of the summer and feel a kind of emptiness that results from getting off track in our walk with the Lord. Just as the grass needs to be watered to keep from drying out in the bright sunlight, so our souls need constant refreshment from time with the Lord and His Word in the midst of many often pleasure oriented activities.

Now that summer is almost here, bringing with it a change of pace, it is the perfect time to begin! So, we want to invite you to join a bunch of other girls and young women across the nation in taking part in this challenge! We promise you that it will make your summer so much more meaningful and that you will look back at the end of your summer and be so grateful for every moment that you spent with the Lord! The greatest rewards will be a closer walk with the Lord and knowing His Word and ways in a much better way. Details are below.

Summer Challenge 2010

Dates: Begin June 1st and end August 31st.

- Spend at least 15 min. a day (or more!) in devotions with the Lord. Your devotions can include; prayer, Bible reading and study, etc. (Do at least 5 minutes of Bible reading during this time!)
- Memorize at least 1 Bible verse a week and recite it to your accountability partner.
- Choose and call an accountability partner at least once every two weeks to check up on daily devotions and memorizing, and to share prayer requests.
If you don't get all 15 minutes in on one day, you are allowed to make them up by the end of the week. So, at the end of the week you need to have a total of 105 minutes. You will be given 3 grace days for the summer, but try not to miss a day! Really try to get the verse done each week, but if you don't, you are allowed to make it up the following week. You must be caught up with all of your memorization by the end of each month!

- Keep track of your time on your Summer Challenge Chart. (You can download the chart on the LTL Ministries website!)
- E-mail the Summer Challenge Team at when you begin to participate in the Summer Challenge.

You are welcome to invite friends! If someone hears about it and gets a late start, they can still participate. However, they just must make up so that they have the same time total by the end of the summer as they would have if they had started June 1st! They can copy your chart, download a chart from the Loving the Lord Ministries website, or make their own chart!

- We would love it if you would record a testimony of what the Lord did in your life and showed you in His Word this summer on the back of your Summer Challenge Chart!
- There will be a prize of your choice of a conference VHS set (Beautiful to God or Friendship) for each girl who completes the challenge. These will be sent after we recieve your charts on or before September 6th!

"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Hebrews 11:6

We are looking forward with you to the best summer of our lives!

April Girls Discipleship Gathering Report

Here is a report from Elizabeth on the final Girls Monthly Discipleship Gathering:

This past Girls Gathering we listened to our last session from the "Changing Your World for Christ" series called “The Impact of One Life Lived for God.” We all enjoyed some quiet time after the session to write out our life purpose statement, pray through it or just spend some alone time with Jesus. The Lord led us to share prayer requests for each other and pray for one another. It was a really special of taking our burdens to Jesus and caring for each other through prayer. May we all continue to lean on God’s everlasting arms as we lay our cares before Him.

May the Lord bless you all as you continue to seek Him and allow Him to touch the world for Himself through your lives!

"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid... Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 6:14 &16

2 Corinthians 6:17-18

"...Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."