Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Value of Doing the Summer Pursuit ~ by Sarah

Several years ago, when I first heard about Loving the Lord's “Summer Pursuit,” I was so excited, since I love studying God's Word—and knew that doing the pursuit with other young ladies would make it all the more exciting!

As my sister and I anticipated the pursuit, we invited our friends to join us; then, realizing that the goal of seeking the Lord is needful for anyone (not just young ladies!), we invited our brothers to join us in the pursuit as well! They each chose godly accountability partners who encouraged them throughout the summer, as they talked to them on the phone every two weeks and recited their Scripture memory passages to one another. Having a mutual goal of seeking the Lord and memorizing His Word was unifying for my siblings and I. The Lord used this special time to deepen our love and faith.

God's Word never returns void (Isaiah 55:11), and we have seen the rich fruits that having a daily devotion time yields in our lives. My sister and I seek to continually challenge and encourage our brothers as they seek the Lord and His Word all year around, and always eagerly look forward to the special summer months—when we can do the “Summer Pursuit” together.

Innumerable worldly distractions threaten to completely engulf us, if we are not purposeful to guard against these diversions and make a commitment to spend time daily in God's Word. As we prepare ourselves to be the new generation of godly women and mothers, it is vital that we immerse ourselves in Scripture. I would challenge you to daily spend time with the Lord, seeking His Word, and memorizing Scripture—beginning this summer with Loving the Lord Ministries' “Summer Pursuit.” This habit will benefit you throughout the rest of your life, and is the only way to truly become a life that is beautiful to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

“The law of thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver”
(Psalm 119:72).
~Sarah (Kansas)

(Picture of Sarah and her siblings (Summer Pursuit Fans :) with Amy.)

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