Thursday, April 11, 2013

Releasing Session 3 ~ "The Importance of Inner Beauty" ~ The "Beautiful to God" Online Conference!

Dear Friends,

"What is true beauty?  Is it perfect makeup, a cute outfit, well styled hair?  Or, is it something more radiantly life changing?  As we grow in the amazing journey of knowing and loving Jesus and His Truth, our perspective of what is truly beautiful is transformed.

...We live in a world that promotes external beauty – but, if you think of it, it has nothing else to hope for than this life!  When you know Jesus, understand His ways, and have the hope of eternity in Heaven, it changes everything!  The beauty He calls us to is so much deeper - beginning at the heart and shining out! ...It is a beauty of Jesus in the soul that is eternal and impacts every area of our lives.  It is being a young woman who knows and radiates Jesus in a beautiful way that has a lasting impact on everyone she touches.  Let’s pursue beauty in His eyes!"  {Excerpt from the article:
The Radiance of True Beauty ~ by Amy Vest.}

I am so excited to look together in this session at the incredible beauty that the Lord calls us to embrace - A beauty that results in glorifying Him, satisfying us, and blessing others!  Will you join me?

With much love to you in Jesus,
Amy Vest
for Loving the Lord Ministries, Inc.


  1. one of the many things the Lord is using to cultivate inner beauty is honestly his word. lately i've been reading his word and he has shown me verses that talk about how inner beauty is more important than our outward beauty.

    i would *love* to be entered into the give away for this month!

  2. I just started watching this and wow! I was challenged! :)
    Thank you so much for reminding me that is isn't what I do, but what I let Jesus do in me.
    This topic is something that Jesus is constantly working on me with.
    I had a quick question for you:

    How do we balance out cultivating a beautiful heart before God, and at the same time, not look like a withered flower... :)
    I want to make inward beauty more important that outward, but I don't know where to cut the line, and still make sure I look presentable on the outside.

    ~ <3

  3. Thanks for sharing your insights. :)
