Imagine if we embarked on a journey for an entire month
without taking any water. By the end of the trip our
clothes would be begging
for a wash, bodies aching to be cleansed, teeth longing for a scrub, and tongues
craving a drink. Nothing would be able to satisfy our longings except water!
If at the end of the journey there was a fork in the road, one way directing us to a fountain and the other to a dessert land, how foolish we would be to turn into the dessert, hoping to be refreshed!
God led his people, the Israelites, to this fork in the road
again and again in the Old Testament. When he called his thirsty people out of Egyptian
slavery, he invited them into fellowship with him – the Fountain of Living
Water. Sadly, as they wandered in the wilderness, they grumbled and complained
instead of trusted. After entering the Promised Land, they forgot the Lord and
sought pleasure in sin rather than in keeping God’s good commands. As they
settled in the land, they looked around and decided they wanted a king “like
the nations around them” instead of rejoicing in the leadership of the Lord. In
their weakness, neediness, anxieties, and sorrows, they turned to everything
and anything… except the Lord.
In Jeremiah 2:12-13, Jeremiah recorded God’s words concerning the Israelites’ foolishness:
appalled, O heavens, at this;
be shocked, be utterly desolate,
declares the LORD,
for my
people have committed two evils;
have forsaken me,
fountain of living waters,
hewed out cisterns for themselves,
cisterns that can hold no water."
Instead of going to God when they were thirsty and weak,
they decided to walk into the desert to dig cisterns (large holding containers
for water). However what they didn’t realize was that
their efforts were like broken cisterns. They held no water.
I have been thirsty like the Israelites. Although I haven’t had to wander in the wilderness, establish a nation in a new land, or organize a government, I have been dry, weak, and needy.
What does it look like to find SATISFACTION in God when we are THIRSTY?
If you have been brought into a relationship with the Father
by trusting in the death and resurrection of Christ for your sins, then you
have been invited into FULLNESS of life in Jesus! In the Bible God reveals to
us who he is so that we can trust in him to completely satisfy us.
Below are a few examples of “thirst” we may feel in our
lives. Following each example are Bible verses that reveal how God is able to
satisfy that thirst.
Loneliness – Have there been seasons in your life when you have had no friends? No one to talk to, laugh with, serve alongside, or seek counsel from?
Loneliness – Have there been seasons in your life when you have had no friends? No one to talk to, laugh with, serve alongside, or seek counsel from?
Come to HIM and drink "…fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will
strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right
hand." Isaiah 41:10 (The Lord is ALWAYS with his children and he is our strong
Helper and faithful Friend.)
Sinfulness – When we disobey God’s commands and walk in our own way instead of his, feelings of sorrow, guilt, and shame can fill our hearts and tempt us to try and hide instead of turning to him.
Sinfulness – When we disobey God’s commands and walk in our own way instead of his, feelings of sorrow, guilt, and shame can fill our hearts and tempt us to try and hide instead of turning to him.
Come to HIM and drink "...if
we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness…if anyone does sin, we have an advocate
with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. He is the propitiation for our
sins…" 1 John 1:9, 2:1b-2a (Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross paid for believers’ sins
once-and-for-all. His love is steadfast and when his children come to repent,
he hears and restores.)
Suffering – When sickness, disability, death, pain, and loss lead us into grief and confusion, it can be easy to think we’ve been abandoned by the Lord.
Suffering – When sickness, disability, death, pain, and loss lead us into grief and confusion, it can be easy to think we’ve been abandoned by the Lord.
A Satisfying Drink -
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good…"
(Romans 8:28) "…according to the purpose of him who works all things according
to the counsel of his will…" Ephesians 1:11b (The Lord is directing everything according
to his plans and nothing is outside of his control. He is working all things
for the good of those who love him.)
Responsibilities – Have there been days when homework assignments, chores, and projects piled up so high that you felt you just wanted to give up?
Responsibilities – Have there been days when homework assignments, chores, and projects piled up so high that you felt you just wanted to give up?
Come to HIM and drink. "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency
in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians
9:8 (In Christ, you will lack nothing you need to accomplish all that the Lord
calls you to.)
Disappointment – When our desires are pushed aside and we are forced to accept an outcome that is very different than the one we were hoping for, disappointment and sorrow can leave us feeling overlooked.
Disappointment – When our desires are pushed aside and we are forced to accept an outcome that is very different than the one we were hoping for, disappointment and sorrow can leave us feeling overlooked.
Come to HIM and drink.
"What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against
us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he
not also with him graciously give us all things?"
Our weaknesses remind us that we are thirsty and we were not created to be satisfied in ourselves. We were created to be SATISFIED in who God is for us in Christ.
Every day we encounter forks in the road. We can turn toward broken desert cisterns or to the Fountain of Living Water. One path leads to greater thirst. The other path leads to satisfaction and fullness of life. Are you thirsty right now? Go to the Bible, trust that God is who he says he is, and DRINK DEEPLY as you find satisfaction in the Lord.
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