Dear Friends,
It has been a full and fast summer - and, I trust, a good one for all of you! It blesses us so much to continue to hear about the amazing things the Lord is doing in your hearts and lives!!! Our Lord is so amazing and wants to draw us so near to Himself! Please keep writing and sharing!!! Know that you are always close in heart and we are praying for you!
This summer has been a good and very full one for me. With a different schedule, travels, family time, weddings, etc. in addition to ministry preparation for the coming year, I have not been as available to post on the blog as I would like. But, you can start looking for more regular posts again in the days to come! There is so much to share with you about what the Lord has been and is doing!
Here is a glimpse of what we at LTL Ministries have been up to this summer:
- Concluding so many sweet things from the past year of ministry
- Seeking the Lord for a vision and His will for the coming year
- Planning for the coming ministry year
- Setting up conferences, studies, etc.
- Helping young women start their own LTL groups, host conferences, ministries, etc.
- Updating our records and mailing lists
- Preparing all kinds of new things for Loving the Lord Ministries
- and more!
So, we are so happy to be in touch and look forward to posting much more soon!
On to love our Savior more together!
With so much love in Jesus,
Your sister
"Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth." Hosea 6:3