Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Keeping Truth Before Your Eyes ~ Practical Application ~ by Amy (Vest) Cox

I want transformation by the Truth to be a lifelong quest, don't you? 

In seeking to know Jesus and be transformed by His Truth, one of the ways I have found to be so helpful is to have Truth around, so it is in front of my eyes and helps me fix my mind on it through the day.

 I love to:
1) Surround myself with Truth - to help focus on and bring encouragement in Truth throughout the day.
2) Help myself memorize Truth - by keeping the Truth before my eyes.

So let's look at a few ideas:

1) Surrounding yourself with Truth - I have found this to be incredibly helpful.  This way as I look around during my day, God's Word is before my eyes - and my mind, and then soul, are filled with His Truth.

Here are a couple pictures from my room:

2) Memorizing the Word - As I seek to hide His Word in my heart, it is so helpful to keep it before my eyes.

Here is one of my current favorite ways to do this - by putting it on the side of my dresser so it is the first thing I see in the morning:

Writing a verse on a sticky note and placing it somewhere you will see it is also a fabulous help!

There are so many other ideas and ways you can surround yourself with Truth, too.  I encourage you to seek Jesus for ideas - and pick a verse and put it somewhere you will see it often!

Then as you see, think on, memorize, and allow the Holy Spirit to apply the Truth to your heart, you will see Him bring beautiful transformation!

I hope these practical ideas are helpful on your journey with Jesus and being transformed by Truth!  

" transformed by the renewal of your mind..." (Romans 12:2) 

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