Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Question of the Month ~ We want to hear from you!

We want to hear from you!

Here's the question for the month:

What is 1 thing that helps you grow in your relationship with Jesus?

                                                                     {Please comment below!}


  1. One thing this year that has helped me turn my thoughts to the Lord throughout the day, is choosing a passage each week to memorize/ponder. I keep it posted throughout the home, in my pocket, and on my desktop. Treasuring God's Word in this way has deepened my minute-by-minute walk with the Lord Jesus. I want to make Him my greatest treasure, and that comes through the choices I make each day. He is so faithful! ♥

    1. This is a beautiful idea, Sarah! Thank you so much for sharing! Amen, Jesus is so faithful! <3

  2. I find that I grow in my relationship with Jesus as I am careful to speak truth to my heart. As I meditate upon Scripture, I fill my mind with truth. I can then remind myself of these truths as I go through my day. 2 Peter 1:3 says that "His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness." This verse reminds me that what I am learning in my devotions is relevant for all areas of my life! <3

    1. Thank you so much for this powerful insight, Mandy! This is so big for our Christian walk! <3 Thank you for sharing!

  3. I grow in my relationship with Jesus by reading His Word and then hiding it in my heart. I find another way is to pray daily. One way that makes it easier to pray to Him is the fact that He came on this earth and was tempted by the same things we are tempted by daily. It's encouraging to pray to a God who has gone through similar experiences. It is also encouraging to pray to a God who is perfect in every way, even when I can't be perfect. Prayer is a powerful thing. To be able to talk to a God who is holding this universe in place is more than amazing. I believe prayer is very important because without it, we couldn't communicate with an Almighty God. And the fact that God never gives up on me helps me to never give up on my relationship with Him.

    1. Alexa, Thank you so much for sharing all of these wonderful ideas! What important ways to grow in Jesus! May He bless you as you continue to seek Him! <3

  4. I agree with what Sarah was saying, meditating on one verse of Scripture each week is such an amazing way to grow in the Lord. I have found that to be true as I read through Scripture, and as I actually live it out. When we treasure His commandments in our heart, He comes and makes His home with us (John 14:23).

  5. One thing that helps me grow in my relationship with Jesus is hearing stories of grace, redemption, or provision from older, wiser women. I am encouraged to continually trust Jesus and pursue an active relationship.
