Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Summer Pursuit Testimony from a Sister in Australia

"I have been doing the summer pursuit with all of you, but being an Aussie girl my friends and I have been calling it the winter pursuit. I have been learning so much about my Father in Heaven through this that I have never imagined that I would be able to know. I have been looking at the “Beauty of the Lord” and “Falling in Love with Jesus” over the last three months. It has been a great challenge to keeping up with the reading and the memory work every week but with the Lord’s help I have been able to keep on going.  I have been able to learn heaps of verses - I am not very good at memorizing. I think that because I am willing to spend time with God each day, He has given me a good memory and lots to think about and do to get closer to Him and be more like Him... I have learned to really trust the Lord and see the hard times and the trials as the Lord trying to teach me to trust Him more and to seek Him when it is hard."  ~ Michaela, age 20

One of the verses Michaela shared that really helped her to keep looking to Jesus and seeking His beauty and not her own was Psalm 27:4, "One thing have I desired, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple."

Micheala did a lot of her Bible verse memory earlier since she would be working with sheep near the end of the Pursuit - above is a picture of her (in the middle of the picture with her hands out) at work.