Here are a few more testimonies from young women who took part in the Summer Pursuit. We pray that you will continue to be encouraged that pursuing the Lord is worth all of your attention, time, and effort! He is "a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6
"Participating in the Summer Pursuit was a great way to focus on what is most important – God!" ~ Karen, Iowa
"I learned a lot during this challenge." ~ Rose, Minnesota
"These 3 months have given me a fullness in my walk with Jesus – a priceless treasure that has been so very special and will continue to be." ~ Amelia, Oregon
"When I decided to take the Summer Pursuit challenge, I was excited to see what the Lord would teach me this summer. It has been a wonderful, yet somewhat challenging, pursuit for me. Even though I usually spend time with Jesus every day, sometimes it can be difficult not to just read a short portion of Scripture, pray a short prayer and then jump into the day’s to-do list. The challenge was a blessing in making sure I got in at least 15 min. of time with the Lord. It has helped me think more about studying and how to apply it to my life, not only reading it… This pursuit helped me to pursue Jesus more and to focus on Him, even when there are full days. He has done so much for us and what a special joy we have to spend time with Him." ~ Elizabeth
“The Lord has in so many ways given me so much through doing the Summer Pursuit and, ultimately, I think I grew closer to Him this summer than I would have without. The 15 min. a day and 1 verse a week habit is one I hope and pray will stick with me for the rest of my life – because the greatest challenge I have ever had is from my Jesus Who says that those who diligently seek Him will find Him. And what can I say to that?!" ~ Anonymous