Thursday, May 5, 2011

Loving the Lord Videocast #5 - Having Devotions that Change Your Life

Dear Friends,

I pray you are having a wonderful spring! As we enjoy the beauty of the green grass and flowers growing, may our heart's cry be that our souls would be growing even more in Jesus!

This month we are looking at "
Having Devotions That Change Your Life." Our personal time of seeking the Lord is critical to a close walk with Him and to becoming like Him! If we spend this time correctly, it will change our lives. Please join me as we look at how we can pursue our Savior in powerful ways! I am so grateful to seek our amazing Savior together. Remember, He promises, "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." (James 4:8)

The Lord's richest blessings to you as you seek His face,

Amy Vest