Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"The Lord is good to... the soul that seeks Him."

This Summer Challenge testimony is from a 14 year old young women named Isabella:

"...Most of all, the Lord has drawn me so much closer to Himself during this. (The Summer Challenge) The Lord has given me such a desire to just live for Him, and breath every breath to glorify His name.
He has also given me such a love for Him, His Word (the Bible) and has given me such a love to spend time with Him. (I used to spend about 10 minutes a day reading the Bible, but now hours will go by.)...
Lamentations 3:25, "The Lord is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him." (emphasis added) This verse has been so true in my life these past few months. The more I seek the Lord with all my heart, the more He has blessed me!"