It is with much joy and anticipation for what the Lord is doing that we invite you to the Young Women's Discipleship Gatherings! It is our prayer that these times will be a source of encouragement, spiritual enrichment, fellowship with like-minded girls, and accountability in following the Lord. We also desire to aid the girls in turning their hearts to their parents, in growing to love their family more, and in seeking to fulfill God's special plan for their lives.
Girls and young women ages 11 on up are welcome to attend. Below is a sample of what takes place at the gatherings.
10:00 a.m. Singing and Opening Prayer
10:15 a.m. Message*
11:10 a.m. Small group prayer time led by godly older girls
11:45 a.m. Testimonies
12: 10 a.m. Singing and Challenge for the month
12: 30 a.m. Fellowship
*Most messages will be given by Amy Vest, with occasional guest speakers with the same heart.
This year's Monthly Gatherings will run from October 2009 - April 2010 on the second Saturday of every month.
The Gatherings will be held again at Vision of Glory Church in Plymouth, Minnesota.
This year we will be studying Amy Vest's series on "Changing Your World for Christ" and are so excited for what the Lord is going to do in our hearts!
Amy's assistant, Elizabeth will be leading these gatherings and is so looking forward to the time with everyone who attends.
We hope to see you this fall and look forward to all that the Lord has in store!
There will be no cost for these gatherings and we encourage you to invite your friends! We want this to be open to any girls who are desiring to grow in their walk with the Lord!
You are welcome to attend any or all of the gatherings as your schedule allows. You are not required to make a commitment to attend consistently. We are glad to have you for as many times as you can work out!
Please feel free to contact the Monthly Gatherings coordinator Elizabeth at with any questions you may have.
Girls and young women ages 11 on up are welcome to attend. Below is a sample of what takes place at the gatherings.
10:00 a.m. Singing and Opening Prayer
10:15 a.m. Message*
11:10 a.m. Small group prayer time led by godly older girls
11:45 a.m. Testimonies
12: 10 a.m. Singing and Challenge for the month
12: 30 a.m. Fellowship
*Most messages will be given by Amy Vest, with occasional guest speakers with the same heart.
This year's Monthly Gatherings will run from October 2009 - April 2010 on the second Saturday of every month.
The Gatherings will be held again at Vision of Glory Church in Plymouth, Minnesota.
This year we will be studying Amy Vest's series on "Changing Your World for Christ" and are so excited for what the Lord is going to do in our hearts!
Amy's assistant, Elizabeth will be leading these gatherings and is so looking forward to the time with everyone who attends.
We hope to see you this fall and look forward to all that the Lord has in store!
There will be no cost for these gatherings and we encourage you to invite your friends! We want this to be open to any girls who are desiring to grow in their walk with the Lord!
You are welcome to attend any or all of the gatherings as your schedule allows. You are not required to make a commitment to attend consistently. We are glad to have you for as many times as you can work out!
Please feel free to contact the Monthly Gatherings coordinator Elizabeth at with any questions you may have.