Thursday, September 24, 2009

Washington "Beautiful to God" Conferences - October 2nd and 3rd!

We are so excited for all that the Lord has in store for the 2 upcoming Washington "Beautiful to God" Conferences on October 2nd and 3rd!

These will be powerful one-day events covering key topics crucial for young women today:

- Embracing a life-changing relationship with Christ
- The importance of inner beauty
- Finding your identity in Christ
- Keys for growth
- Gaining a vision for your life
- Living a life of truth and impact for Christ
... and more!

We would love to see you and your friends there!

Friday, October 2nd, or Saturday, October 3, 2009
8:30am - 8:00pm
Cedar Springs Retreat Center
4700 Minaker Road
Sumas, WA

For more information or to register, you can call Cedar Springs Retreat Center at (360)988-6674.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

More Summer Challenge Testimonies

Here are some more powerful testimonies from the Summer Challenge! We hope they encourage you as much as they did us!

"I am so glad that I got to do the Summer Challenge. I learned more about God than I ever knew. Before this challenge I never really read the Bible. I would read it, but I never thought about what the Lord was saying, and how it applied to my life. I also thought that the Old Testament was boring and irrelevant to my life. Now I know that there are some awesome lessons to be learned from it.

By spending time with the Lord each day, I was able to clearly hear His instructions for my life. He showed me parts of my life that needed attention. With His help I was able to work on it and make a change. I am amazed by how much I grew in the Lord and how much He taught me...

I plan to continue in devotions and memorizing verses."

~ A.G.


"God has really blessed me through the Summer Challenge! There is no way that I would have spent 1,715 minutes in His Word without this incentive to spend time with Him. This challenge motivated me to read my Bible every day and memorize Scripture. I will keep doing this, by God’s grace, for the rest of my life!"

~ Sarah


"This summer challenge has really blessed me! I feel like I’ve gotten closer to God during this time. I’m still gonna do devotions even though its done (The Summer Challenge).

I have verses that helped me when I wasn’t able to go to sleep. Psalm 4:8 “I will both lay me down in peace and sleep; for Thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.” The other is Hebrews 4:16 “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” These Bible verses were an encouragement to me."

~ Krista

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Announcing the 2009-2010 Young Woman's Monthly Gatherings!

It is with much joy and anticipation for what the Lord is doing that we invite you to the Young Women's Discipleship Gatherings! It is our prayer that these times will be a source of encouragement, spiritual enrichment, fellowship with like-minded girls, and accountability in following the Lord. We also desire to aid the girls in turning their hearts to their parents, in growing to love their family more, and in seeking to fulfill God's special plan for their lives.

Girls and young women ages 11 on up are welcome to attend. Below is a sample of what takes place at the gatherings.

10:00 a.m. Singing and Opening Prayer
10:15 a.m. Message*
11:10 a.m. Small group prayer time led by godly older girls
11:45 a.m. Testimonies
12: 10 a.m. Singing and Challenge for the month
12: 30 a.m. Fellowship

*Most messages will be given by Amy Vest, with occasional guest speakers with the same heart.

This year's Monthly Gatherings will run from October 2009 - April 2010 on the second Saturday of every month.

The Gatherings will be held again at Vision of Glory Church in Plymouth, Minnesota.

This year we will be studying Amy Vest's series on "Changing Your World for Christ" and are so excited for what the Lord is going to do in our hearts!

Amy's assistant, Elizabeth will be leading these gatherings and is so looking forward to the time with everyone who attends.

We hope to see you this fall and look forward to all that the Lord has in store!

There will be no cost for these gatherings and we encourage you to invite your friends! We want this to be open to any girls who are desiring to grow in their walk with the Lord!

You are welcome to attend any or all of the gatherings as your schedule allows. You are not required to make a commitment to attend consistently. We are glad to have you for as many times as you can work out!

Please feel free to contact the Monthly Gatherings coordinator Elizabeth at with any questions you may have.

"The Lord is good to... the soul that seeks Him."

This Summer Challenge testimony is from a 14 year old young women named Isabella:

"...Most of all, the Lord has drawn me so much closer to Himself during this. (The Summer Challenge) The Lord has given me such a desire to just live for Him, and breath every breath to glorify His name.
He has also given me such a love for Him, His Word (the Bible) and has given me such a love to spend time with Him. (I used to spend about 10 minutes a day reading the Bible, but now hours will go by.)...
Lamentations 3:25, "The Lord is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him." (emphasis added) This verse has been so true in my life these past few months. The more I seek the Lord with all my heart, the more He has blessed me!"

Monday, September 7, 2009

God Rewards Those Who Seek Him

"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."
~ Hebrews 11:6

Summer Challenge Testimonies

It has been AMAZING to receive your Summer Challenge charts and to read what the Lord has done in your hearts this summer! We are excited beyond words!!! The Lord truly did amazing things as a result of your dedication to seek Him! So many of you are telling us that you are going to continue having your personal devotions for the rest of your lives. It truly is the most important thing you can do - because your relationship with the Lord is the most important thing in the world!!!

We will be sharing a few of the testimonies we have received over the next few days, so you can be encouraged by the rewards that come from seeking the Lord and seek Him even more yourself!!!