Friday, October 23, 2015

Love Story and God's Glory ~ Blog Series Announcement!

Dear Friends,

I am so excited to announce to you a new series that we will be covering in the days to come!

Since Loving the Lord Ministries began over 10 years ago, many of you who were at the very first conferences are reaching the ages where you are in the place of considering marriage and a potential spouse.  As I have had the joy of talking with many of you about this topic individually - and attending some very Christ-glorifying weddings - it seems like this is a topic that would be so good for us to cover!

My heart is so full of anticipation about this series and the opportunity it gives us to look to Jesus!

So, this is the plan - Next week you can watch for a post that will give an overview of this topic and then each week of November we will cover each of the 5 points in more depth.

It will be such a joy to look at this beautifully serious area of life and rejoice in the Lord's incredible heart in it!

He loves you.
He has the best for you.
He - the Husband of your soul - has the very best plan in store for the area of your earthly romance - as a part of the greatest Love Story of all time.

I want to give you a little clue - The years that you have invested in seeking Jesus, deepening your relationship with Him, allowing Him to grow you in Him, and living for His glory are priceless pieces of this sacred topic.

More soon.  In the mean time, have a beautiful week soaking in Jesus' matchless love for you!

Grateful to be loved by Him together,
Amy Vest

We love because he first loved us." ~ 1 John 4:9

P.S. F
or those of you who are either too young for marriage, or are already married, I trust that you will find this series encouraging in either looking ahead, or in mentoring those in your lives in this phase.  Most of all I trust you will be encouraged because this all is about something so much bigger than earthly marriage - the very purpose we were created!

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