Do you ever wonder why we care so
much about things like... Am I as pretty as that girl? Does that person
like me? Does this outfit look okay? Will I ever be able to go do
this someday? When deep down in our hearts, we really want to just be
fully in love with Jesus!! We want so much to go deeper with Him. We know
He should be our first love, but all this stuff that really doesn't matter, can
mean so much to us.
Even us girls who are following
Jesus are tempted to think that the things of this world will fill the longings
of our hearts. They often can seem more real to us than the promises of
God. Why is that, even though we know Jesus is the answer to our longing
hearts, we so easily try to fill that emptiness with other things? I think
for myself it has often been that I've had a hard time believing God's
promises... I think especially as girls, we can base things on our feelings,
rather than on Truth.

Some truths that have really helped
me in times when I want to hang on to things and am struggling with surrendering
them to Jesus are... First, submitting all my fears to God! (Psalm 118:6) and then really
meditating on His truths.
Some truths that have really helped me are:
#1 Jesus is worthy of all that you are! Rev. 5:12
#2 He CARES about you...your future, desires, etc. He cares about every detail of your life, even more than you do! 1 Peter 5:7
#3 He will not withhold anything good from those who walk uprightly! Psalm 84:11
#4 He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or think! Eph. 3:20
#5 He knows all! Your desires, fears, hopes, dreams, passions, weaknesses, needs...everything! Isaiah 40:27-28
#6 He is faithful to do His best in your life!!!
Some truths that have really helped me are:
#1 Jesus is worthy of all that you are! Rev. 5:12
#2 He CARES about you...your future, desires, etc. He cares about every detail of your life, even more than you do! 1 Peter 5:7
#3 He will not withhold anything good from those who walk uprightly! Psalm 84:11
#4 He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or think! Eph. 3:20
#5 He knows all! Your desires, fears, hopes, dreams, passions, weaknesses, needs...everything! Isaiah 40:27-28
#6 He is faithful to do His best in your life!!!
"He who calls you is faithful; he
will surely do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:24

This life is so, so short...Only
Jesus and what's done for Him will last!!! "This world will pass away
and the things in it, but they that do the will of God, will abide
forever." 1 John 2:17
Only Jesus satisfies in the end!
Only Jesus satisfies in the end!
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