Personally, I have known
only a little of what trials and sufferings can be. But it has been enough to make me cry out and
beg the Lord for grace. I share my
struggles with you in the hope that you may be encouraged to trust in the manifold wisdom and kindness
of God in your life.
For many years now, I have experienced chronic physical
pain. And I can attest to the weariness,
anxiety, and frustration that can so often come as a result. Honestly, some days I am very discouraged and
struggle to keep my eyes toward heaven. But the Lord is able to lift up my head and
help me look to Jesus, even through tears.
And I know beyond any doubt
that He hears my cries and prayers (Micah 7:7).
He is the God of heaven and earth,
and He hears me. What an incredible
and beautiful promise! But He doesn’t
just hear us…
will never forsake us. Deuteronomy 31:8, “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you
or forsake you. Do not fear
or be dismayed.” I cling to these words each and every day. Let me encourage you to believe this truth with
all your heart. For those of you who
have been abandoned by loved ones, I understand your sorrow. I am right there with you, crying and
grieving. But let me encourage you as a
sister in Christ to not let this keep you from pursuing Jesus! Rather,
let His promise to never forsake you drive you to be a blessing and comfort to
others. Let it drive you to pursue Jesus
Christ and live for His glory and honor.
He offers rest. Matthew
11:29, “Take
my yoke upon you, and learn from
me, for I am gentle and lowly in
heart, and you will find rest for
your souls.” We can find rest. It
is so easy for me to forget that the rest I so desperately need is in Jesus
Christ—not myself. I am in college (studying
to be an ESL teacher), teach piano, and try to keep up with normal daily
things. And I will be the first to admit
to you that anxiety has been a large part of my life, one that I am not proud
of. But my Lord is with me each day,
helping me to overcome my fears and worries.
May we always remember that true
and lasting rest is found in Jesus Christ.
He is sovereign!
Psalm 135:5-6, “For
I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods.
Whatever the Lord pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth,
in the seas and all deeps.” I remember when I
first came to believe in the absolute sovereignty of God in my life, when I
realized that nothing happens outside
His perfect plan (Lamentations 3:37-38).
We often don’t know why certain things happen. But we
can have faith in the certainty that our God is working out His perfect plan in
our lives and it is glorifying Him (Romans 8:28). The freedom and peace that comes from
trusting in His sovereignty is incredible
and a cause for rejoicing!

would dearly love to share more with you of how His promises have shaped my
life, but I fear my post is long enough already. May these verses strengthen you and cheer
your heart today:
loves us (Is. 54:10; John 15:9-13, 16:27; Rom. 8:35-39). He is
near to us (Ps. 34:18, 145:18; Is. 55:6).
He delivers us (Ps. 34:17-19;
Col. 1:13-14). He is our refuge (Nahum 1:7; Ps. 46:1-3, 18:2; Pr. 18:10). He intercedes for us (Romans 8:26-27,
34; 1 John 2:1). He gives us peace (John 14:27, 16:33; Philip. 4:6-7; Is. 26:3-4). He
forgives us (Ps. 86:5; Col. 1:14; 1 Pet. 1:17-19). He is
our joy—I LOVE this one! (John 15:11; Ps. 16:11, 21:6, 40:16, 43:4). He has
given us a heavenly inheritance (Rom. 8:12-17; Luke 12:32; 1 Pet. 1:3-5). He
grants us grace (Heb. 4:16; Eph. 2:8-9).
He satisfies our souls (Ps.
107:9; Matthew 5:6). He comforts us (Matthew
5:4; John 14:16). He gives us guidance (Ps. 32:8, 37:23-24; Pr. 3:5-6). He has
chosen us (John 15:16, 19; 1 Pet. 2:9; Eph. 1:4-5). He is
refining us (Jam. 1:2-4; 1 Pet. 1:6-7).
He gives us hope (Ps. 38:15,
39:7; Rom. 15:13). He keeps us safe (Is. 43:1-3; Matthew 7:24-25).

Dear sister (or perhaps brother)
in Christ, hold fast to the Hope of
Jesus. For He is able to bring you peace
and satisfaction, even in your greatest pain.
He will offer you strength in your most desperate moments. He will fill you with unquenchable
satisfaction and joy, even in your darkest hours. He will give you hope. He
will be your Promise.
Thank you, Grace, for pointing us back to God's Word that is Truth for us to live by! What comfort, joy, peace, and grace His Word gives to our hearts & thus our lives! I can't imagine life without His Word! Keep clinging to Him!
ReplyDeleteIn God's Hands~
God bless you, dear sister! Yes, God's Word is living and more powerful than we can fully comprehend. What an unbelievable blessing to read the Word of the Most High God every day! Keep pursuing Jesus Christ and shining for His honor.
ReplyDeleteForever in Jesus,
Grace <3