Buzz...the alarm clock goes off and once again it all starts. Breakfast, devotions, teeth brushed, clothes on; ready to start another day. Another day that may look much like the previous day and the day before that and…. Many of my days look similar. Monday may play out different as it is my cleaning day. But most of my Mondays look the same; laundry, bathrooms cleaned, plants watered, etc. Sometimes that sameness gets boring. Life can begin to seem so repetitive that it might even be considered…pointless. Suddenly the battle is on to find truth not feelings.
Life is gift
and a gift that God holds firmly in His hand. Ps 118:24, "This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and
be glad in it." A gift held by God who is undaunted by my feelings or the
sameness of my days. Isa 60:1, "Arise,
shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee." Each
breath is a gift He chose to give me and thus should be treasured and
appreciated. So, what will I do with today’s gift?
Jesus said He left us an example, an example of how to live each day. That example was to be a servant! John 13:15, "For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them."
Being a servant is not very popular. My flesh wants to do
something important and accomplish mighty things for the Kingdom of God. However
the Word, which we know is rock solid truth, tells me that my boring days are
not worthless. They are chock full of potential. Potential that can be a
deposit in His bank, where moth and rust cannot corrupt. Mt 6:19, "Lay not up for
yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where
thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in
heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not
break through nor steal: For where
your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
Stop waiting for the “big one” and look around you. Put your hands to what
you can see right now. Mt 25:21, "His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good
and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make
thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord." Lu 16:10, "He that is faithful in that which is least is
faithful also in much."
I cannot do mighty things for the Kingdom today but I can….make a phone call to an elderly friend, send a card to one who is struggling with cancer, fold laundry for my family, keep the house in order, wipe a nose, change a diaper, create something for another with my skills, have a warm meal on the table when everyone gets home from work. God is on the lookout for those who will be His hands in individual lives.
Matt 25:40, "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
Take note of the women mentioned in the New Testament. These women were doers of little jobs. They did for Jesus, met His practical needs and met the needs of others. Tears were shed when Dorcas died. (Acts 9:36-39) She would be greatly missed as she had supplied many with clothes, loved them with her actions. Phebe was a servant of the church in Rome and a succourer of many. (Rom 16:1) She cared for the affairs of others, aiding them with her own resources. Mary (Romans 16:6) bestowed much labor on Paul and the other apostles.
These acts
made up their days, so let’s fill our days similarly. Watch each day for the
doors that stand wide open in your “normal” day; doors that will help or bless others,
be the voice of encouragement, and extend comfort thus bringing glory to God.
Oh, to face each day with an attitude of wonder – what does God have for me
today. Pray that He will open your eyes, you will see, and do that small job
heartily as unto the Lord. Col 3:23, "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men." Dare yourself to please God. Hebrews
13:16, "But to do good and to communicate
forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased."
When the alarm clock buzzes and you get up tomorrow ….do it again. And again. And probably again!
When the alarm clock buzzes and you get up tomorrow ….do it again. And again. And probably again!
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