Every day counts...
Stop and think about it. In your life -
moments add up to hours, which add up to days, which add up to years.
Who you are today is a result of the things that took place in the days
leading up until today. The choices you make in every moment - can
either lead you closer to Jesus or further from Him.
God is at work in your life - extending His grace to you and seeking
to draw you closer to Him, make you more like Jesus, and do His work
through you!
He calls you and gives you grace to respond. We need the Lord's help with this every moment, in order for this to come to pass.
Every day you must receive that grace, moment by moment, to choose
to do just that - in your thoughts, what you choose to believe, your use
of time, what you listen to and watch, who you spend time with, what
you place as your first priority, etc.!
This happens as we walk in fellowship with Him, live in obedient surrender, and follow His leading.
For example, in your life today:
When you are tempted to let your mind wander or dwell on something that
is not pleasing to Jesus - receive His grace to instead turn your mind
to Him, His beauty, and His Word.
-When you have free time and start to get on the internet and spend lots
of time reading blogs, watching videos, etc. - instead get into the
word of GOD and let it fill you and build you up in Him!
- When you need to make a choice, ask, "Will this bring me closer to Jesus, or draw me away from Him?" Let this direct you to God's best for you in each moment of your
When you receive the Lord's grace and choose the things that will draw you
closer to Him, He floods you with His life and amazing things happen!
Living like this day after day will add up to an amazing relationship with Jesus that transforms every aspect of your life!
Let today count in the right way - let it be a day that draws you closer to Jesus.
"Choose this day whom you will serve..." Joshua 24:15