As you set this time aside to seek Jesus, here are some ideas to help you in deepening your relationship with Him!
Ideas: (You can find more ideas in the post below or under the “Encouragement” section of the website!)
- Spend time with the Lord (See the website under then encouragement section for ideas on devotions)
- Journal – write down what the Lord is doing in your heart, Who you are finding Him to be, insights from His Word, prayers to Him, etc.
- Read books that will encourage you in Jesus (see mini list of resources)*
- Fellowship – pursue relationships that encourage you in Jesus by phone calls, get-togethers, or even organizing a get-together of a few girls to encourage each other in Jesus!
- Ministry - invest your time in things that will last forever! While this is good, we encourage you to focus most of your energy this month on deepening your relationship with Jesus. (See ministry ideas below)*
- Memorize a passage of Scripture. This would be a great thing to do with your accountability partner!
- Study Bible – really take time to dig into it and see what the Lord is saying to you!
- and so much more!
*Resources: His Chosen Bride by Jennifer Lamp, Before You Meet Prince Charming by Sarah Mally, Consider the Lilies by Teresa Nuckols, The Cross-Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney, Biographies of men and women who walked with God… and so many more! Again, choose ones that will help you in your walk with Jesus!
*Ministry ideas: (You can find a longer list under the “Encouragement” section of the website!)
- Help more around your home (your #1 mission field) and really take time to enjoy and encourage your family in Jesus.
- Write letters to encourage missionaries, friends, younger girls, etc. in loving and serving Jesus!
- Pray for people across the world.
- Start discipling a younger girl you know.
- Write an article or testimony from your life to encourage others in living for the Lord. (We would love to see some of these to possibly post on the blog!)
- Ask the Lord to show you ways to serve Him.