Dear Friends,
We are so excited to release the first Loving the Lord Videocast to you!
It has been an amazing joy to meet many of you around the world at conferences, groups, speaking engagements, over the internet, and more. Your hearts for the Lord are incredible and bless us so much! We really want to continue to share this journey of loving and seeking Jesus together – and are excited to have these videocasts as a way to do just that!
For those of you who we have never had the chance to meet, know that we are so excited to have you joining us and look forward to seeking and loving Jesus with you!
Like I say in the video, just pretend we are sitting down talking heart-to-heart over a cup of cocoa! You are close in my heart, I am praying for you, and I love you so much! I am so excited for what the Lord has in store as we seek Him together in these videos!
I’d love so much to hear your thoughts, questions, and feedback!!! If there are any topics in particular or questions you have that you would like for us to seek the Lord on together in these videocasts, I’d love to know! Please know that I cannot answer all emails, but know that I LOVE hearing from you! So, please write us - You can send your emails to!
May the Lord bless you and meet with you as you watch, friends. Know that you are loved by your Savior and He is right by your side. He is amazing! May He pour out His grace on you as you seek and live for Him!
With much love in Jesus,
P.S. Next month we are going to look at “Having a Love for God That Cannot Be Quenched” and I am already excited for it!