Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Keeping Truth Before Your Eyes ~ Practical Application ~ by Amy Vest

I want transformation by the Truth to be a lifelong quest, don't you? 

In seeking to know Jesus and be transformed by His Truth, one of the ways I have found to be so helpful is to have Truth around, so it is in front of my eyes and helps me fix my mind on it through the day.

 I love to:
1) Surround myself with Truth - to help focus on and bring encouragement in Truth throughout the day.
2) Help myself memorize Truth - by keeping the Truth before my eyes.

So let's look at a few ideas:

1) Surrounding yourself with Truth - I have found this to be incredibly helpful.  This way as I look around during my day, God's Word is before my eyes - and my mind, and then soul, are filled with His Truth.

Here are a couple pictures from my room:

2) Memorizing the Word - As I seek to hide His Word in my heart, it is so helpful to keep it before my eyes.

Here is one of my current favorite ways to do this - by putting it on the side of my dresser so it is the first thing I see in the morning:

Writing a verse on a sticky note and placing it somewhere you will see it is also a fabulous help!

There are so many other ideas and ways you can surround yourself with Truth, too.  I encourage you to seek Jesus for ideas - and pick a verse and put it somewhere you will see it often!

Then as you see, think on, memorize, and allow the Holy Spirit to apply the Truth to your heart, you will see Him bring beautiful transformation!

I hope these practical ideas are helpful on your journey with Jesus and being transformed by Truth!  

" transformed by the renewal of your mind..." (Romans 12:2) 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Question - We want to hear from you!

What is 1 thing (or more!) that helps you focus on Jesus?

Please share in the comments section below!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Jesus: The Focus of Your Life ~ By Amy Vest

Where is your focus?

Stop and think about that, friend.

Where is your mind riveted, heart set, and mind directed?

You see where our focus lies is very

Focus = "a center of activity, attraction, or attention, a point of concentration, directed attention."

You were created to have Jesus as your focus.

When we lift the eyes of our heart to Jesus, our perspective changes - because Jesus changes everything.

Putting our focus on Jesus shows that we know that:
~ He is our only hope.
~ He alone can satisfy.
~ He is worthy of our trust and all that we are.

Listen to this amazing promise:

"Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed."  Psalm 34:5

Oh, friend, can you relate with me?

When I lift the eyes of my heart to Jesus - peace washes my soul, fulfillment floods my heart, and security fortifies my spirit.

This is the beautiful thing:
When our eyes are on Jesus, the rest of our life is colored by the reality of all that He is.

As I walk through my day focused on Jesus and I face an overwhelming situation, I know that He is my help.  If I face weakness, He is my strength.  If I face pain, He is my comfort.  If I experience joy, He is my song.

I want to live a life that is riveted on Jesus, don't you?

I long for our life's cry to be "...our eyes are on You."  2 Chronicles 20:11

If you are like me, you can get distracted.  It is so easy to get our eyes on ourselves, circumstances, people, things... But these things are fleeting, empty, and can never deliver the satisfaction that only Jesus can bring.

I love how Jesus in His love will not allow our focus to drift for long.  He kindly brings reminders - whether in the form of joys or trials - that lift our eyes to Him.  As we regain our focus, His peace washes us once again.

We need to have our eyes fixed on Jesus in all of the seasons of life - because we need Him all of our life.

What are some ways we can fix our eyes on Jesus?
~ Choosing in our heart to direct our mind to Him.
~ Praying and asking for His help.
~ Being in the Word.
~ Memorizing and meditating on Scripture.
~ Worship.
~ Journaling about His faithfulness.
~ Gathering with friends who love Him.
~ Having reminders of His love.
~ and so many more!

The beauty of having our focus on Jesus has been powerfully real for me the past couple of weeks in different areas.  When my focus has been on other things, I found lack of peace.  But, when my eyes have been on Jesus, and considering those things with Him and in light of Him, there is inexpressible peace.

Jesus invites, calls, and equips us to live with Him as our focus, friend.

As He is our focus, our hope is never disappointed, our heart is fulfilled, our perspective is transformed, and our lives are lived differently in light of all that He is.

There is no time like this very second to lift our eyes to Jesus and find the transforming fulfillment of having Him as our focus!

Where is your focus today, friend?

May it be Jesus.

"...let us run with endurance the race before us, looking to Jesus..."  Hebrews 12:1-2

Look to Jesus, friend.  You will find that He is all that you need.  I am looking with you.

Let's look to Jesus as the focus of our lives.

Let us run with endurance...

"...let us run with endurance the race before us, looking to Jesus..."  

~Hebrews 12:1-2 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Join us for the inspiring Videocast 1!

Loving the Lord Videocast #1 - Intro & Heartbeat from Loving the Lord Ministries on Vimeo.

Hi Friends! 

In the days to come, the beloved Videocasts will be making a re-appearance on the blog and the truths they contain are just as alive and needed as ever!

These are special videos covering important topics and we like to treat them like heart to heart coffee chats with Amy.  She would love to hear your thoughts in return in the comments section below!

Join us today for Videocast 1 and be encouraged in Jesus and the life He has called you to in Him!

Watch and enjoy!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Welcome to a New Year with Jesus!

Happy New Year, Friends!

Welcome to a New Year with Jesus!

There is so much more of Him to know, His Word to soak in, and life in Him to experience this year!

I am so excited and ready to embrace it together, are you?

Listen to this beautiful verse:

You crown the year with Your goodness,
And Your paths drip with abundance.” ~ Psalm 65:11

Jesus has amazing things in store for this New Year and I am asking Him to meet us in a powerful way!

He is so amazing!

You are so invited to visit the blog often and interact with our online community in the comments!  

(You can subscribe to posts in the right column of the blog, or by emailing us at  

We are so excited to bring you encouragement and cheer you on as you walk with Jesus in the coming year!   
As we launch into this New Year, please leave a comment below and introduce yourself and share 1 thing that you would like to seek Jesus on together in the coming year!  I’ll get us started. J 

Oh, I love Jesus, you, and seeking Jesus with you!

He is our life!

Let’s run into 2018 with arms and heart wide open to Jesus and all that He wants to do in and through us! 

It is going to be an amazing year with Jesus!

Loads of love and excitement,

Amy Vest for the LTLM Team

"You crown the year with Your goodness..."

"You crown the year with Your goodness,

And Your paths drip with abundance."
~ Psalm 65:11