Jesus is calling you to Himself.
He is inviting you on a journey with Him.
You were created for a journey of love with Jesus.
This is a journey that is meant to deepen every year you walk
with Him - amid all of the happy and hard times - bringing matchless joy
to you, glory to Him, and overflowing in blessing to others.
You were meant for this journey with Jesus, friend.
Nothing compares.
Never forget that you were created for Jesus and will not be satisfied anywhere else.
He IS love and is calling you to a journey of love with Him.
"I have loved you with an everlasting love;
Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness." (Jeremiah 31:3)
Let's take a glimpse at 3 elements of this journey of love:
1. Know His love personally and love Him in return. He pursues and we respond.
- Know for yourself His love in His Word, Salvation (more on this
HERE), and His being present and at work in you every moment by His Spirit. (John 3:16)
- Love Him in return by putting Him first in heart, seeking Him, worshiping Him, and living for Him. (Mark 12:30)
2. Live in and from His love.
- Live in His love - soaking in it every day thorough His Word, prayer
and fellowship with Him through the day, and remembering His love. (2
Thess. 3:5)
- Live from His love - letting the love that is forever and unchangeably
yours in Him motivate and empower all you do vs. trying to live to earn
His love that is already yours and cannot be earned. (2 Cor. 5:14)
3. Share His love.
As you receive His love and love Him in return, allow that love to spill out to others.
"We love because he first loved us." (1 John 4:19)
Oh, friend! You have the joy of walking in this relationship of love with Jesus every moment of your life!
It is a relationship.
It is love.
It is a journey.
It is with JESUS!
There is nothing sweeter in all the world.
And Jesus is calling us to this!
I want to live each moment with:
my hand in His hand and my heart in His heart,
basking in His love and presence,
soaking in His Word and listening to His voice,
loving Him with all that I am,
spilling out His love to others and calling them to know it for themselves...
Following wherever Love leads.
Do you?
There is no other journey worth taking - and on this journey He guides you to all else He has for you.
He is pursing you, revealing His love, guiding your steps,
teaching you His Truth, giving grace to walk with Him. When you fall, He
picks you up, when you disobey, He lovingly disciplines you and draws
you close, when you are weak, He strengthens you...He will keep you.
Nothing can separate you from His love.
am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things
present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor
anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love
of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39)
As we embrace this, life - in all of its seasons - becomes an
amazing journey of a deepening relationship of love with Jesus - the One
who is Love.
He has so much in store for you, friend.
Jesus is calling you to this journey of love with Him - will you answer?