Thursday, January 26, 2017

Invite your friends to join us!

The Beautiful to God Online Conference and new blog plan begin this coming Wednesday, February 1st! 

Are you ready?

We are so excited for all that the Lord has in store!

As we prepare to begin, we encourage you to invite your friends to join us for this life-changing adventure! 

You can share links to the blog (, website (, and Facebook event page with your friends by email, text, or social media!

Jesus is going to meet with us in the coming months and it would be beautiful to have as many young women as possible join us!

Seeking our amazing Jesus in Tennessee!

The Lord provided a sweet opportunity for Amy to speak to a group of amazing young women in Tennessee last week on "Loving Jesus as Your Best Friend".  It was a precious time and the Lord met with us as we looked at the reality that He alone can satisfy the deepest longings of our hearts!  

"He satisfies the longing soul..." Psalm 107:9

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

~ Beautiful to God Online Conference - Official Invitation! ~

Dear Friends,

We are so excited to invite you to join us for the online "Beautiful to God Conference" that is beginning February 1st!  We are so excited for this special way to seek Jesus and His Word with all of you across the world!

God designed you to live a life that is fulfilled in Him, radiates His beauty, and impacts the lives of everyone you touch for His glory.  It is our prayer that through this conference, you would be strengthened to embrace the life that God created you for, calls you to, and says in His Word is very precious.

The video above is the "Invitation and Introduction" to the “Beautiful to God” Online Conference ~ an invitation we are extending to everyone you want to invite to join us!  (Next month we will be releasing Session 1: "Jesus Is Your Best Friend"!)

The plan is to post a session video once a month, in line with the new blog schedule, which includes articles, testimonies, practical application questions, and more that correspond with the topic being covered that month.

Feel free to share this with your friends via email, Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, etc. We would LOVE to have as many as possible join us!  We encourage you to go through this as mom and daughter, or find at least one friend {even via phone or email} and discuss it together! You could even plan a gathering once a month to watch the video and discuss it as a group!

We are so looking forward to embracing Jesus and His plan in this together!  May the Lord bless you as you seek Him!

“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”  ~ Proverbs 31:30

With love in Jesus,
Amy Vest for Loving the Lord Ministries, Inc.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Unfolding the Blog Plan for the Coming Days!

Hi Friends!

As we jump into this new year with Jesus, we are so excited to unfold the blog plan for the coming days!

The Lord has amazing things in store!

Each month of the plan will include:
~ A "Beautiful to God" Session Video*
~ An encouraging article from Amy
~ A powerful testimony by a young woman
~ A question to apply this topic to your life and get your feedback on the online community

*This blog plan includes attending the "Beautiful to God" online conference, which will be so fun to go through together!  {More details coming!}

This plan will be beginning February 1st.   We are so excited to continue to seek Jesus with you - and we encourage you to to invite your friends to join us!

Jesus is amazing.  His Word is True. The life He has called you to in Him is matchless.

We are so excited to seek Him together in the days to come!

Are you ready?

We love you and love seeking Jesus with you,

Amy Vest and your friends at LTLM

“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”  Proverbs 31:30

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Beautiful to God Class Update ~ Final Session

We had a sweet time at the final Beautiful to God Class session looking at the topic of "The Impact of a Life that is Beautiful to God"!

We are so excited for all that the Lord has in store as each class member walks with Jesus, bases her life on His Word, and lives a life devoted to Him, by His grace!

let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious." 1 Peter 3:3-4

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Stepping into a New Year with Jesus ~ by Amy Vest

I love this reality:

When you step into a new year, you step into it with Jesus.

This reality changes everything.  Jesus changes everything.  Jesus is everything you need.

Listen to His sweet promises for those who are His:

“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Heb. 13:5)

"I am with you always, to the end of the age.”  (Matt. 28:20)

Jesus is with you, friend.

He goes with you, before you, and within you.

In Him you have an:
All sufficient Savior
Faithful Shepherd
Truest Friend
Unfaltering Guide
Ever present Help
Unfailing Love
Reigning King
and so much more!

He is: 
your only hope
all you need
with you
for you
working all things for your good
giving what you truly need
going to keep you to the end

He will be with you every step of the way.

The Jesus you have known in the past will be the same in this coming year - "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Heb. 13:8) -  and each step offers the opportunity to discover so much more of Who He is!

What a beautiful reality!

Yes, you can step into this new year - and each new day of the rest of your life - with joy, because you step in with Jesus.