Thursday, June 27, 2013

Embracing Purity! ~ by Tara

Hello to all of you blessed young ladies! What a huge resource you have with Loving the Lord Ministries! I have been greatly blessed myself by knowing Amy! She is truly a woman after God’s own heart and has been an inspiration to me time and time again! Please don’t take Amy, her website, books, articles, etc… for granted. They are packed full of wisdom and encouragement. I want to publicly thank Amy for following hard after the Lord and for living a consistent life before others.

Purity…why is purity so important? 

The Bible talks quite a bit about purity therefore it seems to be something the Lord cares about greatly. If God is concerned about this area of our lives and has instructed and commanded us in His word to be pure, then we better read and learn what God has to say and obey it with all of our hearts!

Please read the following passages:
Phil. 1:10, Phil. 4:8, 1 Tim. 1:5, 1 Tim. 5:22, 2. Tim. 2:22, Titus 2:5, Jam. 1:27, 1 Pet. 1:22, 1 Pet. 3:2.

Who can live a life that is pure and walk purely before their God?

Let me ask you a few questions:
a.      What’s your attitude towards purity?
b.      Do you even HAVE a desire to be pure?
c.       Are you truly born again?

To live a pure life, one must be born again. A young lady who is not born again does not have the power of God at work in her spirit, soul and body. Instead, she is dead in sins; she follows the course of this world and carries out the desires of her body and mind.  Eph. 2:1 says, “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience-among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.”

Like all fruit in the Christian life, purity is not something that we can just decide to do!
“I’m going to be pure!” NO, purity has to be a work of God in our totally depraved and sinful hearts. We have to first be made pure and righteous by our Lord’s work on the cross and then and only then can we know and experience true and lasting purity.

Let’s look at 2 Tim. 2:22 together!
“So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a PURE heart.” (Emphasis added)

Matthew Henry says: “Paul here exhorts Timothy to beware of youthful lusts. Though he was a holy good man, very much mortified to the world, yet Paul thought it necessary to caution him against youthful lusts: ‘Flee them, take all possible care and pains to keep thyself pure from them.’ The lusts of the flesh are youthful lusts, which young people must carefully watch against, and the best must not be secure. He prescribes an excellent remedy against youthful lusts: Follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, etc... Youthful lusts are very dangerous, for which reason even hopeful young people should be warned of them, for they war against the soul.”

Girls, there are so many things that want to steal our purity and pollute us. Let’s look at some of these:
a.      The Fashion Industry
b.      Movies
c.       Magazines
d.      Wrong Friends
e.      Books
f.        “Girl Talks” (yes, even seemingly innocent ones too!)

I would like to share with you a glimpse into my journey of purity as it concerns waiting for my husband.  It is not a perfect one, but one that is filled with sin, temptation, repentance, victory and abundant blessing!  I pray that God will use this snippet of my testimony to encourage, strengthen and spur you on to greater purity. My desire in sharing my testimony is not necessarily to share my struggles and victories in detail, but to give you some things to ponder and think about as you are either walking the path of purity or are in limbo as to what you should do.

God did a saving work in my life at an early age.  He filled me with his powerful spirit and gave me the desire to love him and live for him in every area of life. 

Growing up, my parents were very careful about the kinds of influences, entertainment and friends I had. They realized that although “I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.” (Ps. 51:5) there were certain things they had been commanded by God to teach to their children.  At age 13 I can remember giving my dad a gold key and heart necklace set. He kept the key and I wore the heart. (My heart said, “He who holds the key can unlock my heart.”) I wanted to be pure at that time, but was starting to struggle.

When I was 16 years old my father and mother took me out for a special evening together at Macaroni Grille! I remember that significant night as if it were yesterday.  After a delicious dinner, my mother and father presented me with a beautiful gold, heart-shaped ring with a shiny diamond in the center of it. (This ring was a replica of the ring that my dad gave to my mom years before.)

He said, “Tara, will you give me your heart? Will you keep yourself pure and trust the Lord to use your mother and I to help you find and marry the right young man some day? It was that night that my parents formally called me to the walk of purity that they had been directing me along from the time I was born. They were challenging me to stand for and walk in the path of purity.  At that moment I had the opportunity to submit and respond to what my parents had so caringly put before me and live a life experiencing God’s protection and blessing, or say no, sever the God given protection on my life and live a life of impurity and regret. I am so glad to be able to share with you today, I said YES with all of my heart! Little did I know it would be 7 long years before I would meet my prince and another 2 years before I would say “I do.”

The years following my 16
th birthday were filled with ups and downs, struggles and victories, joys and pains. It seemed like I would live victoriously pure for several days and then BAM utter discouragement and lies would creep their horrid way into my heart and I would start day dreaming or entertaining impure thoughts. Each time this happened, the undeserving forgiveness and unconditional love of the Lord was there to meet me!

Following are a few areas in my life where I had the opportunity to cultivate purity by the grace of God. I used questions like these as accountability and as a purity thermometer to regularly take my temperature.

I pray they will be of help to you.

a.      Purity of Body – What kind of clothing do I choose to wear every day? Do they shout out that I am a pure, daughter of the most high King?
b.      Purity of Mind - What kind of thoughts do I allow to fill my mind throughout the day?
c.       Purity of Emotions - Do I daily keep my emotions in check and submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ?
d.      Purity of Heart - When I’m all alone what kinds of things do I look at, read or dream about?
e.      Purity of Conscience – Is my conscience pure and clean or am I hiding anything from my authorities that God has placed in my life as a protection from the enemy? Am I sharing the struggles and victories with them on a regular basis?
f.        Purity of Speech – What kinds of words go out of my mouth? Are they pure and lovely?
g.      Purity of Sight – Are the things that I choose to set before my eyes pure, lovely and of good report?
h.      Purity of Appetite – Do I crave wholesome and pure entertainment?
i.        Purity of Countenance- What does my countenance tell the watching world? “She radiates purity?”
God also used my parents, siblings, and godly friends as great accountability!

Girls, the world tells us that the way of impurity is exciting, thrilling and fulfilling. But God says in Prov. 14:12, There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.”  Matt. 7:11 says, “If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him.”

God gives good gifts to his children (in many shapes and forms as He knows what is best for us) and it is a joy to share with you that I am experiencing good gifts!  I am happily married to the man of my dreams and have been blessed with 2 precious children! The Lord has been faithful and we are continuing to experience the blessings of God on our lives!

So if I were to restate the principles that I have been sharing in my testimony, it would look like this: God saved me and gave me a new heart, my parents called me to a life of purity and directed me along its path, I submitted and responded with a willing and yielding heart, there were various methods of accountability in my life, and all of this lead to abundant blessing and reward!

Let’s look at 2 Tim. 2:22 again together! “So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a PURE heart.”
According to God’s word we are to FLEE youthful passions and PURSUE what? RIGHTEOUSNESS…FAITH…LOVE…PEACE, along with those who call on the Lord from a PURE heart.

I will tell you there are days that will be very hard and the struggle will be intense, but it is worth it all for the sake of Christ! Phil. 3:14 says, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” It’s a hard, bumpy road to travel if you want to be pure. It’s definitely NOT for sissies! Most everything and everyone around you will try to trip you up and ensnare you. Prov. 4:27 says, “Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.” Remember, the journey of purity does not end the day you say I do. In your marriage you will daily have to decide to let God continue to cultivate purity in your life and in your marriage!

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Purity is being attacked on all sides, even from the church. It’s time to take a stand, live in obedience to Christ and be a witness to the watching world!
“Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.” Jude 1:24-25

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Eph. 3:20-21

I would like to dedicate this article to Steve and Cherie (my loving parents) and to my devoted and WONDERFUL husband…Stephen!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Young Women's Conferences in Romania!

The Lord has done an amazing work in opening up the door to share young women's conferences in Romania this autumn!  We are in awe of His amazing hand.  We can't wait to share more details in the days to come!  If you are in Romania, we would love to have you join us as we seek Jesus, His transforming Truth, and the joy of the life He created you to live!

The picture above is at the time of the filming the promotional video for the Romania conferences with a precious Romanian sister in Jesus!  (Video coming soon!)

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Blessing of an Accountability Partner ~ by Amy Vest

Today I connected with my accountability partner... I am so grateful for the gift of fellowship and spurring on in our relationship with Jesus!  We had such a sweet time of quoting our verses to one another, sharing prayer requests and accountability topics, and praying together!  My heart was strengthened, encouraged, and refreshed.

In the Bible, we have the beautiful example of David and Jonathan's friendship and how Jonathan "...strengthened his (David's) hand in God." 1 Samuel 23:16  The Lord has given us the beautiful privilege of strengthening one another in God, by His grace!

This is a sweet opportunity we have to share the Lord's goodness, be held accountable for areas in which we want to grow, and hold one another up in prayer! 

We often have the tendency on our own to drift or get relaxed in the things that the Lord can use to draw us closer to Him - reading the Word, prayer, obedience to Him, etc.  Accountability is gift that will help guard against this and will push us towards a deeper walk with Christ - which is what we want most of all!

I am so excited as I think of each of you taking part in the Summer Devotions Pursuit and your times with your accountability partners of "strengthening their hand in God" as you point one another to Jesus and the Word!  From experience, I have found that this is a powerful tool that the Lord can use to aid in deepening our walk with Him - and that is the goal of our life!

May the Lord bless you as you strengthen one another's hand in God!

"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." Proverbs 17:17

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Releasing Session 5 ~ "The Power of a Pure Heart" ~ The "Beautiful to God" Conference!

BTG Conference Session 5 ~ The Power of a Pure Heart from Loving the Lord Ministries on Vimeo.

Dear Friends,

"God created you to live a life of transforming purity in Jesus that results in freedom, fulfillment, and fruitfulness
.  It is a purity that is beautiful, satisfying, exciting, and that impacts not only your life, but the lives and world around you.

God has called us to this purity that transforms us and allows us to fulfill and experience the purpose for which we were created.

It is crucial that you understand - Your level of purity affects your relationship with God, your life, your relationship with others, and how mightily God is able to use you for His glory... 

"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God."  (Matthew 5:8) 
What does it say will happen if you are pure in heart?  You will see God.  That is the purpose that we are alive – to see, know, enjoy, and glorify God!  This alone is where we will be truly satisfied...  You want to be pure so that you can SEE GOD - then your life will be transformed!"
  (Excerpt from "A Call to Transforming Purity" by Amy Vest)

Please join us for this life-changing video as we look at the power of a pure heart and single focus in Jesus!
Longing to see Him with you,

Amy Vest
for Loving the Lord Ministries, Inc.

June Memory Verse ~ Matthew 5:8

June Memory Verse:
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."  

~ Matthew 5:8

~ Announcing the June Giveaway! ~

The giveaway this month is:
A Beautiful to God T-shirt (Size S or M)

There are 4 ways to enter:
1. Memorize our memory verse for the month and quote it to someone.
(June's is: Matthew 5:8
2. Watch the video and comment on our blog ( beneath the video post, sharing one thing the Lord is teaching you about purity.
Spend 15 minutes of personal devotions with the Lord in Bible reading, prayer, etc.
4. Share the Session 5 video on Facebook, your blog, or by email, encouraging your friends to join us.
You can do all of the above!
Email and tell us your number of entries by June 27th to be entered for the giveaway drawing. (You can enter a total of 5 times each month with the above opportunities)! We will announce the winner on the blog on July 1st!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Encouragement as you do your devotions this summer…

Loving the Lord Videocast #5 - Having Devotions that Change Your Life from Loving the Lord Ministries on Vimeo.

This video contains encouragement on how to have a devotional time that has the potential to change your life!  We have such a treasure in the privilege of meeting with the Lord!  Every moment invested in meeting with Him is so worth it!  May He richly bless you as you seek Him!

"Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord;
  his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth.” ~ Hosea 6:3

Friday, June 7, 2013

So Excited About All of You Doing the Summer Devotions Pursuit!

Dear Friends,

Excitement and joy flood my heart as I think of, hear from, and pray for those of you who are doing the Summer Devotions Pursuit and seeking Jesus this summer!

Nothing in the world is like knowing Jesus.  It is worth every minute you spend seeking Him!  As you seek Him and He opens your eyes more and more to Who He is, you will never be the same!

Today as I met with Him, I was deeply blessed as He spoke to me through His Word and prayer and as I was able to journal what He is teaching me… I am so needy of Jesus and His Truth every day – and He is always so sufficient!  The more I know Him, the more I want to know Him even more!

This verse blessed me so much today, “Turn to me and be gracious to me, as is your way with those who love your name.”
  (Psalm 119:132) 

I’d love to have you comment below and share what the Lord is doing and teaching you as you meet with Him!

May the Lord bless you so richly as you continue to meet with Him!  Nothing is more important, exciting, or life-changing!

Love in Jesus,

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Call to Tranforming Purity ~ by Amy Vest

Are you ready to talk about a purity that has the potential to transform your life? 

God created you to live a life of transforming purity in Jesus that results in freedom, fulfillment, and fruitfulness.  It is a purity that is beautiful, satisfying, exciting, and that impacts not only your life, but the lives and world around you.

God has called us to this purity that transforms us and allows us to fulfill and experience the purpose for which we were created.

It is crucial that you understand - Your level of purity affects your relationship with God, your life, your relationship with others, and how mightily God is able to use you for His glory.

When you hear the word purity, what do you think of? 
So that we are on the same page - when we talk about purity, we mean - “Freedom from guilt or the defilement of sin; innocence; as purity of heart or life.”

Let’s look together at elements of this transforming purity:

~ Purity has a purpose. Why do you want to be pure?  Matthew 5:8 says, “"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.”  Stop and read it again… "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God."  What does it say will happen if you are pure in heart?  You will see God.  That is the purpose that we are alive – to see, know, enjoy, and glorify God!  This alone is where we will be truly satisfied.  Do you see why it is so important?  (This is why purity is under such attack today by the enemy in our culture – to try to draw us away from purity of heart and seeing God.)  You want to be pure so that you can SEE GOD - then your life will be transformed!

This is not a pursuit of purity filled with boredom and suffocating external performance, but with a joy and purpose that flows from a deeper heart desire to know God and commitment do whatever HE says is right and pure!  As you behold God, you love Him, as you love Him, you want to follow Him, and desire to live a pure life and be pure so can know Him even more!  This will lead us into the lives of fulfillment, freedom, and fruitfulness that God intended us to live, as a result of purity and seeing Him!
When this clicked in my mind and heart, it was transforming for me.  Before I pursued purity because I knew it was right and I wanted good and not bad consequences.  But, as I knew the Lord and then understood this verse, it gave a totally different motivation for purity - I wanted to know Jesus!  We must let our life passion be to know see and know the Lord – not wanting anything to get in the way!  This passionate purpose will cause us not to see how close to the line we can get in the area of purity, but how far away.  The more we know the Lord, the more this will cause us to see that He is far more satisfying than any impurity that could tempt us.  Our longing to know God more should drive us to pursue purity at all costs!

2 Timothy 2:22 helps us see the Lord’s call to run from impurity and run towards purity: "So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart."

One summer I was canoeing through some reeds with some young women.   All of a sudden one of the young women started screaming.  A spider had gotten in the canoe.  She was deathly afraid of spiders and was doing all she could to get away from it.  We should be even more serious than this as we flee sin and pursue purity, keeping the purpose in mind and realizing the affect it has on our ability to see God and walk with Him.

~ Purity starts in your heart. “The heart of the matter, is a matter of the heart.” someone once said.  God is most concerned about our heart, as well as how we live outwardly.  It is our heart that He cares about first.  Outward conformity is not the final answer – and while they can do some good, they don’t change our heart.  God is calling us to purity of heart – and then all of our life can flow from our heart condition.  Proverbs 4:23 tells us, “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.”  

It’s important to look at your heart and ask:  Am I wanting to know God more than I am wanting sin?  Am I believing that knowing Jesus will make me far happier than allowing impurity in my life?  Am I trusting that the God who created me, knows what is best for me, and is calling me to obey for my best and His glory?  Am I willing to receive the Lord’s grace to fight sin and pursue purity at all costs?  The answers to these questions take place in our hearts – and then show proof in our lives of our heart condition.

Something must be made very clear - We cannot make our heart pure – Jesus alone can.  He opens our eyes to our need and gives us grace to look to Him to purify our heart through:
1. Salvation – you seeing your sinful heart and desperate need for a Savior from your sins, trusting in Jesus alone and His death on the Cross to pay the penalty for your sins, and inviting Him to come into your life, cleanse you from your sins, and be in charge of your life.
2. Sanctification – a lifelong process of the Lord working in us and us working with Him, by the grace that He supplies, to purify us from our sin and self and fill us with Jesus.
At salvation, you were washed clean from your sins, and Jesus’ perfect record became yours.  Now, He is in the process of purifying your heart to make your more like Him – While we will never be perfectly pure in life on this earth, the more He purifies our hearts, the more clearly we can see Him!  THAT is what we want and should be our desire moment-by-moment!

Tonight I made a smoothie.  Suppose after I had added the fresh fruit, juice, etc. I decided that I could add just a little bit of poison – would that make that much of a difference?  It is the same way when we allow even a little sin in our lives – It affects every area
of our lives and damages our walk with Christ.  Do you see what is at stake?  We are not looking at little hand-slaps, when we allow sin, we are hindering our most important relationship in the world with Jesus!

We must daily, moment-by-moment receive the Lord’s grace to “keep your heart” – to receive the Lord’s grace to watchfully pursue purity and flee from impurity in a way that enables us to see God for all that He is. 
This purity of heart will then flow out in how you live in beautiful ways!

~ Purity of heart flows out in purity of life.
What you do is an outflow of what is in your heart.  How you live your life stems from your heart, what you love, and what you think will make you happy.  If we believe that God satisfies, that He created us and calls us to do what He created for our best, and that His ways work, we will obey Him and pursue purity in every area – and experience the amazing results.

This comes out in choices in what you: ~ think about ~ say  ~ wear  ~ listen to  ~ watch  ~ do with your body  ~ friends you choose  ~ and so much more!

It is also critical that we are intentionally rejecting impurity and filling our lives with things that help us in purity and loving Jesus!  Stop and evaluate what you are reading, listening to, watching, and thinking about.  Something that has been so helpful for me is to evaluate where my heart is by what I am desiring and encourage my heart in purity by evaluating things by asking myself, “Is this helping me towards purity and knowing Jesus, or encouraging me in impurity and drawing me from Jesus?” Be purposeful in filling your life with pure things and things that will encourage you in purity and loving Jesus.  These things include: - Memorizing Scripture - Listening to pure music - Reading books that will encourage you in your relationship with the Lord and purity - Spending time with friends who are seeking Jesus and purity - Listening to sermons and attending conferences - and so much more!

Psalm 119:8-10 is so helpful, “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word.  With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” 

Making daily choices to live in purity includes what you think, what you say, how you act, your attitudes, and what you do with your body.
Stop and ask yourself, “Is how I am living at this moment honoring the Lord through purity?”  Every action has consequences. So, today as you decide what to think about, listen to, look at, do, etc., remember Who you are living for and the results of living a life of purity.  It is a daily choice that bears incredible fruit.

Romans 6:13 gives us a great word picture, “Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.”

It is important for each of us to acknowledge that we all have failed in the area of purity – whether it is in heart, thought, word, or action.  This is why Jesus had to die in the Cross in our place for our sins, so that He could cleanse us and make us right with God – enabling us to see Him for all that He is!  When we see the promise of purity and that sin, though forgiven, still has consequences (and is not a reason to be casual about sin and impurity) – this should lead us to the Cross for cleansing and a fresh start.  1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  This is the beauty of what Jesus has done for you and Jesus is offering this to you today.

As purity flows out of our heart into the rest of our life, it will have a powerful impact.

~ Purity affects your relationships.
While purity of heart will deeply affect all of our relationships – as the Lord purifies our desires, motives, etc.  - one of the major areas that purity is manifested is our relationships with the opposite gender. (In other words, guys.)  While we could talk for hours on this subject, in a nutshell, having a pure heart and being satisfied in Jesus will enable us to relate to young men with the goal of pointing them to the Lord, seeing Him, and being satisfied in Him – instead of trying to attract them and distracting them from the Lord!

Having a pure heart, being fulfilled in Christ, and seeking to embrace His plan for His best in guy relationships will enable you to have healthy, God-honoring relationships with young men – and will lead you to desire to save yourself - heart, mind, and body - for your future husband.  When you are in this place is when you experience the freedom of seeking and serving the Lord with brothers in Christ in the way for which we were intended. (I know, this has been critical for me!)  Then everyone is challenged on in the Lord and HE is glorified, as a result! 
(The Beautiful to God Online Conference session “The Power of a Pure Heart and Single Focus”, which will be posted next week, will address this area much more.)

~ Purity bears fruit – in your life and the lives of others.
Seeking the Lord and purity through purpose, purging, and pursuit will bring powerful results in your heart, walk with Him, and life!

This fruit includes:
- Seeing God more clearly and incredible growth in Him
- Freedom and joy you never imagined possible
- God’s blessing
- Right motivations in and relationships with people – especially the opposite gender
- God can accomplish His best in your life and use you in mighty ways for His glory
As He grows you in purity, it transforms your life as it results in more of God, being satisfied in Him, Him shining through you, lives being impacted for Him, and Him being glorified.

~ Purity in your life – application.
Purity begins and ends with Jesus.  Come to Him asking for His grace to pursue purity and work in your heart to purify you.  He will be faithful!
- Purpose - Ask yourself, “What is my motivation for purity?”  Want seeing and knowing Jesus more than anything – and let that be your motivation for purity.  Ask the Lord for a deeper desire for a pure heart, so that you can see, know, and walk with Him like you were created to!
- Purge - Go before the Lord and ask Him to reveal the sins, hindrances, distractions, and idols that are blocking the way of your relationship with Him. Pray through them with Him, ask His forgiveness and cleansing, yield them to Him, and ask for His grace to fill those areas with Himself!  Reject things that are impure and pull you away from Jesus.
- Pursue Focus on things that will help you grow in your relationship with the Lord and purity. Fill your heart, mind, eyes, and ears with things that encourage you in Jesus and purity.  (Devotions, Scripture memory, Bible study, prayer, journal, etc.)
As you cling to Jesus and pursue these things, the Lord will bring amazing fruit in your life!

1 Timothy 4:12 beautifully tells us, "Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity."

So, my friends, the question remains - “What are YOU going to do with the Lord’s call to transforming purity?”

God is calling you to this personally and you must receive His grace to respond.  There is nothing in the world like knowing and walking with God - Don’t allow anything to get in the way of it!  Embrace a life that is set apart for Christ with a total commitment to purity in every area of your life, no matter the cost, remembering the purpose and promised results. 

Let’s pursue purity – longing for more of God.  As you see Him, your life will be transformed.

"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8