Friday, June 22, 2012

The Power of Memorizing Scripture

A precious young woman named Michelle shares with us what the Lord is doing as she seeks Him through the Summer Devotions Pursuit this summer:

Memorizing Scripture is one of my weaknesses. As pathetic as it may sound, the thought of memorizing a Bible verse intimidates me.

Have I done it before? Well, yes. I have.

Have I done it often? Shamefully, no. While I may have started on a passage, I’ve often felt overwhelmed and a “victim” of poor memory.

Without a doubt, I’m in for a big challenge this summer - a wonderful God-honoring challenge as I am pressured to memorize at least one verse per week. Already, I’m simply amazed at seeing, by God’s grace, the fruit of my endeavors to memorize portions of His Word. While struggling with the flesh and sin, it has been immensely encouraging and life-changing to see these verses flash into my mind as a reminder of Who I live for.

As a result, my love for God’s Word has grown. With a greater passion than before, I’m thankful for God’s Word. I’m thankful for the ability to read it, memorize it, and share it. I’m thankful that so many other girls and young women are on this journey of pursuing God, to know Him more. 

Clearly, we’re in for a delightfully life-changing summer with Jesus! (Is 55:11; Heb 4:12; 2 Tim 3:16-17)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A testimony of the joy of seeking Jesus

A sweet young woman named Isabella, who has found the fulfillment that comes from knowing Jesus through seeking Him, shares a testimony of time spent with Jesus with us:

"I've realized now more than ever that whatever you pour your time into, that's what you will start loving and desiring to spend more time on.  As I've spent time with Jesus and poured my time into seeking Him, that's what I desire to do now more than anything!  And that's what I most cherish doing! As I've spent time with the Lord, I have learned more of who He is, and in learning more of who He is, I can't help but not want to know Him more!  I have seen that  He truly is everything I need and so much more!  He truly, "satisfies the longing soul". Psalm 107:9"

Monday, June 11, 2012

We are so excited about all Jesus has in store!

We are SO excited about all that the Lord has in store as you seek Him!! 

It is a delight that so many of you across the world that are taking the Summer Devotions Pursuit!  There are sisters in Jesus from the USA, Romania, Mexico, Australia, Canada, Tasmania, Switzerland, and more seeking Him with you this summer!

It has been amazing to hear beautiful reports from some of you of what the Lord is doing in your hearts as you meet with Him already. 

We are looking forward to sharing testimonies of many of you here on the blog in the days to come, as well as encouragement and ideas as you are seeking Jesus!  Please stay posted!

Know that as you continue to seek Jesus, He will become more and more real to you!  He is so incredible and is worth seeking for with all of your heart!  You truly will never be disappointed as you seek and know Him!

"...Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing."  Psalm 34:10