Tuesday, August 30, 2011

His Plan is Perfect!

Dear Friends,

This past Saturday my little brother Eric was married to his sweet fiancé Anna. (You may remember both Eric and Anna from some of the young women’s conferences in the past. Eric did technology related work and Anna lead worship or played the piano.) They both love the Lord, are committed to live for Him, and are a powerful pair for His glory! I am so excited for them and what the Lord has in store for them living for Him side-by-side!

Through this exciting season, the Lord has reminded me of some beautiful truths that I wanted to share with you:

1. Jesus is fully sufficient - He is ALL that we need!
In every new season of life, we have the opportunity to cling to Jesus, know Him in new ways, and find Him to be everything we need. He has been this for me! His love is beautiful and our love for Him can grow so much deeper. As I watched Eric and Anna in love, it made me want to always be ever deepening my knowledge of and love for my Jesus. In this time, He has been meeting with me, bringing so many reminders of His love (yes, tons of heart-shaped things!), and bringing such delight as a result! He is what we are longing for, dear friends and He is so ready to be everything to us, if we will allow Him to be!
…And He never changes. So many other things in life WILL change, but He is always the same. Malachi 6:3 has been a sweet verse He gave to me during this time, “I am the Lord, I do not change…”

2. You will never regret investing in and having a close relationship with your siblings!
We have talked at the conferences about the importance of having a close relationship with your siblings. I want to tell you that in every season of life, you will see this reality more and be even more grateful for every investment you have made. When you are at home, you have a special daily opportunity to build relationships – and when you live apart, it takes a different effort. But, it is a life-long precious relationship in which to keep investing! Watching my little brother get married made me so grateful for the closeness we share and glad for every investment we made in one another’s lives… and it is to be continued, just in a new way! “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.” 1 John 4:7

3. God writes the best love stories!
As you live surrendered to Him and seeking to love Him, He will allow His perfect plan for you to unfold in the area of romance. In watching Eric and Anna, I am more convinced than ever that we only want GOD’S will – HIS timing, HIS way, HIS purpose, HIS person for us (or lack thereof), and HIS glory! That is what is best for us and for His glory – and we don’t want anything else!!! His way is PERFECT! “As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.” Psalm 18:30 The best place for you to be right now – and always - is loving Jesus, surrendered to Him, and living for His glory – and He will fulfill His perfect and beautiful plan for you!

The Lord bless you as you live in His sufficiency and love Him in return, invest in your family, and live surrendered to God’s best for you now and in the future!

Zepheniah 3:17, “The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”

With love,

Summer Pursuit Ends Today!

The LTLM Summer Pursuit ends today! We trust it has been an amazing summer of seeking Jesus!!! (Please be sure to send in your charts by September 6th! For more information on how to send in your chart, etc. you can visit the website under "Events" and "Summer Pursuit" at http://www.lovingthelordministries.org/.) May the Lord BLESS you as you continue to seek Him every day of your life! He is the greatest treasure of all!

"For I am the Lord, I do not change..." Malachi 3:6

Friday, August 12, 2011

Pause in LTLM Videocasts until October

Dear Friends,

Summer is going so fast, isn't it? I hope your summer is full of Jesus, His joy, and delight in the things that He has for you right now!

Our Lord's love is so deep. His power is so strong. His Word never fails. He is the answer to the satisfaction for which our heart is longing. He never changes. Isn't He wonderful? I love sharing Him with you!

In case you are not on our mailing list and did not get the email, I want to let you know an update on the videocasts. Our videographer (who is also my brother) is preparing to get married at the end of the month and then will be on his honeymoon into the next month. Out of respect for his very full schedule, we have decided it is best to take a 2 month leave from the videocasts. Thank you so much for understanding!

In the mean time, you are welcome to go to the videocast page (http://vimeo.com/user3463095/videos/sort:date) and watch any videos you have missed!

We look forward to being in touch with the next videocast in October! Stay tuned for the upcoming videocasts in October and November - It is a 2 part series where we take you to a very unique place and I am excited for the topic we will be covering!

Have a wonderful couple of months seeking Jesus!!! He is so, so good.

"Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34

With love in our Jesus,
