Saturday, June 19, 2010

Family Summit - There is Still Room!!!

We wanted to let you know that there is still room to register for the 2010 "Christ Centered Vision" Family Summit on July 16-18th!

We would LOVE to have you and your family join us for this time of seeking the Lord, amazing fellowship, powerful teaching focused on Christ and gaining His vision for your family, campfires, vision setting, fun family activities, delicious food, and so much more!

For more information, you can visit the website You can contact Breanna at with questions!

We hope to see you there!

Friday, June 18, 2010

A Summer Devotions Challenge Testimony

Here is a testimony from a 9 year old who took the Summer Challenge last year and is continuing to find amazing results!

Hi! My name is Nadia Anderson, I am 9 years old, and I want to thank the Lord for the “Summer Challenge” that I joined last year!

It was always hard for me to remember to read my Bible and pray. Mom would remind me, but it didn’t seem to stick.

When I started the Summer Challenge it got me into the habit of having my quiet time with the Lord EVERYDAY!! Now I try to read at least one chapter a day and hide God’s Word in my heart by memorizing verses...

The Summer Challenge is a VERY GOOD way to get in the habit of meeting with the Lord EVERYDAY, and I hope you will try it this Summer!!

God bless you! Nadia Anderson

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer Devotions Challenge Starts Today!

Dear Friends,

Today is the first day of the Summer Challenge!! We are SO excited about each one of you who have chosen to take part in the Summer Devotions Challenge this summer! We know the Lord has amazing things in store. Seeking Him is SO WORTH IT!!!

I spent some time this morning thinking about the incredible impact personal devotions have had on my walk with the Lord. As I looked back over the years, I saw how POWERFULLY the Lord has used my personal time of meeting with Him to draw me closer to Him!

I remember a stage of my life where I was hearing about God and praying to Him...but felt so much like I was meant for more in my relationship with Him. It was as I faithfully would seek to meet with Him in my devotions that He became so real to me.

That is what I am so excited about for each one of us this summer! There is SO MUCH MORE of Jesus to know! The closer we grow to Him, the more we will know Him (not just in our head, but in our hearts). The more we know Him for Who He is, the more we will be fulfilled in Him, love Him, be like Him, and desire to know Him more!

Our theme verse for the Summer Devotions Challenge is Hebrews 11:6, "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."

There are 2 special parts in this verse to especially remember as you do the Challenge:
1. “He is” - That the Lord is REAL and is waiting to make Himself known to you as you seek Him.
2. “He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him” - He always rewards those who seek Him. The more you seek Him, the more you will find Him. He is the greatest reward you could ever seek!

For special ideas on how to spend your time, you can visit the website and read the article “Growing in Christ” under the Encouragement tab. Also, stay tuned on the blog for more encouragement through the summer as we seek the Lord together!

Know that you are in my prayers. God has great things ahead!

I am so grateful to be seeking Him with you,
