Friday, February 12, 2010

Encouragement Card Ministry - Elizabeth's Testimony

A little note of introduction from Amy - I asked my assistant Elizabeth to share about a special ministry that the Lord has given her through writing cards of encouragement. So many times the Lord has encouraged my heart through her cards. This is something that you can do from your home that can be a huge source of blessing and encouragement to others in their walks with the Lord!

Elizabeth writes:
I started writing letter’s when I was a young girl and loved especially receiving them!
I have continued to write letters but with a special purpose in mind and that is to be an encouragement to others. The Lord has shown me at different times who I am to write to and different Bible verses that would especially speak to their heart.

I have a precious friend who’s name is Anna and during the years she attended Bible school I wrote her letters. She mentioned to me a specific letter I had written that God used to speak to her in a special way. At the time of this letter, Anna felt like the people around her were misunderstanding her heart. The Lord used these Bible verses in the letter to bring encouragement to Anna, Ps. 62:7-8 “My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge." It was reassuring to Anna that God knew her heart and she could find refuge in Jesus.

Sending letters is a special blessing! Remember this small act of love in writing letters can be such a blessing to the people in your life! So, when you hear of somebody who is extra tired, sick, or going through a difficult time, think about sending a letter and ask God what you should write!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Announcing the NEW "Pure Heart" Purity Conference!!!

It is with great excitement that we announce the launch of the new purity conference for young women! This is a special conference for young women ages 12 and over and their mothers.

The topics we will cover include:

Session 1 - The Heartbeat of Purity -
The Lord has a far deeper purpose in purity than meets the eye. It is crucial that we understand the value of having a heart (and hence a life) that is so pure that we are clearly able to see, know, and glorify the Lord in the way for which we were created to. This is where true and lasting fulfillment is found. This is to be our motivation for purity, which should lead us to not see how close we can get to sin, but how far from it we can go.

Session 2 - Purity in Real Life -
How does true purity manifest itself in real life? What does it look like? We are going to cover what it means and looks like to love the Lord our God through purity of our heart, soul, mind and strength. We will cover what purity looks like in; heart (loving Christ above all), soul (having a clear conscience, not tolerating sin), mind (thoughts, etc), strength (actions, words, physical, and modest appearance).

Session 3 - Relationships, Your Future, and the Will of God -
We are going to look at a pure approach to relationships with young men, to considering marriage, and to trusting God for his best for your life. We will cover this with a challenge to live very area of life with our main purpose in life and in mind—glorifying God and enjoying Him forever!

Session 4 - A Call to Transforming Purity -
Once we have seen a picture of transforming purity, one thing remains; how YOU are going to respond? You are called to live a vibrant life of purity for Christ that glorifies Him, fulfills you, and blesses others. It is your decision and you will reap the results. How will you embrace this call and experience all the Lord has in store?

Conferences Scheduled:
~ March 19-20th - Fargo, North Dakota - Holiday Inn Convention Center
~ September 10-11th - Minneapolis, Minnesota - Bethlehem Baptist Church
~ October 16th - Sumas, Washington - Cedar Springs Retreat Center

Please visit the "Events" section of our website to find out more details on registering for a conference!

We invite you to contact us for more information on hosting a conference in your area!

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8

Thursday, February 4, 2010

January Girls Discipleship Gathering Report

At the last Girls Gathering we listened to a message by Amy called “Getting a Vision From the Lord for Your Life”. We all enjoyed this message immensely and God spoke to us in wonderful and special ways! We spent some time reading a list of ministry ideas that the Lord may want us to do in the coming year.

Here is a list of some of those things:

- Praying for people, missionaries, etc.
- Pass out Gospel tracts.

- Writing notes, sending e-mails, or making calls of encouragement in the Lord to others (friends, younger girls or children, pastor, missionaries, parents)

- Serving your family.
- Teaching your siblings Bible verses, doing a Bible study with them, praying together

- Be involved in ministry at church, when able.
Help with Sunday School, AWANA, in the kitchen, in the nursery, etc.
- Earn and find ways to save money so that you can support missions.
- Mentoring those younger than you (children, girls)
- Start a Girls Discipleship Group
- Sharing the Gospel

- Seek to be of help when you are at other people’s homes or at events
- Do all that you do for the Lord and His glory
...and more!

We had a very special time sharing prayer requests with each other and then committed to pray for each other during this month. What a blessing it is to be encouraged and supported in prayer by wonderful sister’s in Christ.

We would love for you to join us for the next Girls Gathering
February 13th from 10:00-12:30 at Vision of Glory Church as we hear Amy speak on "Witnessing and Gaining a Passion for Souls" and as we encourage each other on in Jesus.